Central Council of Tibetan Medicine


1st Sowa-Rigpa Day Celebration, IIC, New Delhi – 11th – 12th September 2019

  2. Recognition of Asian Herbal Formulas in Switzerland  (Tibetan Medicine in Switzerland 2019: 50 years of PADMA Formula an official recognition of Tibetan Medicine as part of Asian Medicine)
  3. Efficacy and Safety of Sowa-Rigpa Medicine

6th CME on Sowa-Rigpa, Dharamsala 3rd – 8th September 2018


MSE & MSR on Sowa-Rigpa

Sowa-Rigpa Degree Recognition and Registration of Practitioner

Case Report Writing: What is special about this in Traditional Medicine?

Urticarial rashes following guggulu intake: A case Report

Managing Nyenrim; Infectious Disease in Sowa-Rigpa

Bone fracture, how to fix it?

Tibetan Diet Regimen and its effect on Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease

Physiology of Bone and its type in Sowa-Rigpa

Chronic Kidney Disease: Symptoms, Cause and Treatment

Headaches: Causes, Types and Treatment

Practical application of Tar; Bloodletting Therapy

Sowa-Rigpa Medicinal formula and its efficiency

Sowa-Rigpa; How it flourish in Ladakh Region

Management of Cervical Spondylitis

The historical lineage of La-sMenpa

The Philosophy and Practice of Sowa-Rigpa

Sowa-Rigpa Drug Research and Challenges   ENGLISH

3rd International Conference on Tibetan Medicine – 25th Feb. – 1st March 2018



PL-1 – A-Ayurveda:Knowledge from Home to Hospital

PL-1 -B-Traditional Chinese Medicine: Antidotes from History to Present

PL-1 -C-Sowa-Rigpa: Healing from Physical to Spiritual

PL-2-Education, Practice and Research in Ayurveda: Evolutionary Development and Future Challenges

PL-3-Sowa-Rigpa: sMen-Drub and its Significance

PL-4-The Evolutional Development of Unani Medicine: Education, Practice, Research, Future Development and Challenges

PL-5-Sowa-Rigpa: Knowing Cancer and its Importance Parameters


PS-1-Regulation and Quality Control of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic Drugs

PS-2-Development of Sowa-Rigpa in Bhutan through Research

PS-3-Sowa-Rigpa: Status in Russia and Role of Dr. Alexander Badmavev

PS-4-Prospects and Problems of Compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices in Indian Systems of Medicine

PS-5-Sowa-Rigpa: Drug Research, its Scope and Challenges

PS-6-Sowa-Rigpa in Asia: A Quantitative Overview

PS-7-Sowa-Rigpa: sMen-Drub and its Significance

PS-8-Role of Philosophy in Palliative Care (Breakdown of Body and Transference of Consciousness)

PS-9-Importance of Mental Health

PS-10-Sowa-Rigpa: Understanding Auto Immune Disease

PS-11-Molecular Insights into the Anti-Cancer Properties of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Yukyung Karne

PS-12-Sowa-Rigpa: Its development in Modern Pharmaceutics

PS-13-Sowa-Rigpa Literature in bsTan ‘Gyur

PS-14- Acharya Vagbhatta and Astangha Hridyam

PS-15-The Prevalent Diseases in the Tibetan Exile Community in India

PS-16-Art of Stress Management in Tibetan Medicine

PS-17-Use of Mercury as Medicine and its Legal Challenges

PS-18-Importance of Conservation of Cold Desert Medicinal Plants in Ladakh

PS-19-Materia Medica of Tibetan Medicine: Diversity, Identification and Classification and the Method of Quality Analysis

PS-20-Practical application of Sowa-Rigpa Pharmaceutical

PS-21-Principles and Practical Application of Tibetan Medicine in a Western Context

PS-22-The Management of Malposition & Malpresentation of Fetus through Sowa-Rigpa and Modern Medicine

PS-23-Management of Psychological Disorders According to Bum-bZhi

PS-24-Practical Application of Nad-rTsi According to Tibetan Astrology

PS-25-Climate Change and its Effect to the Medicinal Plants

PS-26-Sowa-Rigpa: Historical Background and Current Status in Mongolia

PS-27-Sowa-Rigpa:  Legal Status in Nepal

PS-28-Sowa-Rigpa: Yuthog Nyingthig and its Significance to its Practitioners


PW-1-Sowa-Rigpa: Significance of External Therapies

PW-2-Sowa-Rigpa: Practice of Yugk Choe Therapy

PW-3-Sowa-Rigpa: Practice of  KuNye 

PW-4-Sowa-Rigpa:  Practice of Kyug Therapy

PW-5-Sowa Ripga; Practice of Dhug Therapy


CME on Sowa-Rigpa – 13th March – 18th March 2017

Session-1- Code & Ethics of Tibetan Medical Practitioner

Session-2-  Introduction and Special features of Sorig Bhum-zhi

Session-3– Pediatric disease according to Sowa-Rigpa

SESSION-4-Management of evil disorder according of Sorig Bhum-zhi

SESSION-5 – Obstructed Labour/ Labour dystocia

SESSION-6 – Management of Puerperal Pyrexia

SESSION-7 – Management of Liver Cancer

SESSION-8 – Practical demonstration on Moxabustion

SESSION-9 – Management of Psorasis

SESSION-10 – Common Medico-Legal Problems faced by Doctors.

SESSION-11 – Thyroid Disorders

SESSION-12 – How to deal Medical Negligence in clinical practice.

SESSION-12B – Medico legal Responsibilities of General Practitioner

SESSION-13 – Management of Lung Cancer

SESSION-14 – Origin of rGyud-bZhi according to Dese Sangye Gyatso

SESSION-15 – Propagation of Ayurveda by Acharya  Nagarjuna

SESSION-16 – Rasayana according to Ayurveda

SESSION-17 – Management of Breast Cancer

SESSION-18 – Traditional Medicine and its intellectual property right in India

SESSION-19 – Diagnosis in Soma Raja text

SESSION-20 – Scientific Research and Yoga : Holistic science of Body, Mind & Spirit

SESSION-20B -Policy and Research Methodology For Traditional Medicine

SESSION-21 – Is Mercury in Tibetan Medicine a Toxic? Clinical, Neuro cognitive & Biochemical results of an initial cross- sectional study

SESSION-22 – Preparation of medicinal butter