Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Sowa-Rigpa Day Celebration

Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM) during the 30th Board Meeting, had passed a resolution to mark the September 11, a Sowa-Rigpa Day as that days was the day in 1961, when His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama had called upon the scholars of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology in Dharamsala, to revive the rich and extraordinary tradition of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology for the benefit of human suffering.

CCTM with the collaboration of India International Centre (IIC) organized the 1st Sowa-Rigpa Day celebration on 11th September 2019 at Seminar Hall, Kamaladevi Complex, IIC, Delhi, followed a parallel event, an Exhibition and Free Medical Consultation at Tibet House, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

The celebration began with lighting of lamp by the Chief Guest, Shri Pramod Kumar Pathak, Additional Secretary to the Ministry of AYUSH and Mangalacharan by the Gyudme Tantric Monastic Monks.

Prof. Lobsang Tenzin, Chairman of CCTM had welcomed the Guests with traditional Tibetan scarf khata followed by a short running video clip on the history and current status of Sowa-Rigpa, Tibetan Medicine.

This celebration is also to commemorate the great vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama after he came to India. As requested, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has kindly conferred a message (full message) on this great occasion. Prof. (Dr.) Lobsang Tenzin has read His Holiness Message. (The original message is in Tibetan Language)

After that Prof. Lobsang Tenzin Ragdo, gave a key note speech in which he highlighted the importance of celebrating the 1st Sowa-Rigpa day. He quoted that “Just like the Sun that helped to bloom lotus flowers in the garden, Sowa-Rigpa Day facilitated to flourish human wellbeing and happiness, It is due to His Holiness’s vision, that the merit of humanity was raised so high, Just like the sun and the wind that paved way to blossoming up of the lotus flower.


Thereafter, Chief Guest Shri Pramod Kumar has presented the 4th Yuthog Award to Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, who is the Personal Visiting Physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Yuthog Award is given by the Central Council of Tibetan Medicine in every three years of interval with the aim to recognize and express  gratitude to those distinguished individuals who had made special contribution in the development of Sowa-Rigpa; Tibetan Medicine.


After the award presentation, special guests Mr. Pema Jungney and Mr. Choekyong Wangchuk has launched the SORIG JOURNAL – Vol. 1 edited and published by CCTM.


Dr. Padma Gurmet, Member (Sowa-Rigpa), Central Council of Indian Medicine has delivered his speech by congratulating all the practitioners for being a part of this Sowa-Rigpa Day celebration and Thanked His Holiness the Dalai Lama for promoting this system in India by establishing Men-Tsee-Khang in 1961. (Full Speech)

Thereafter, Mr. Choekyong Wangchuk, Hon. Kalon, Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration in his address, noted the positive impact that Sowa-Rigpa makes not just in the Indian and Tibetan communities but in the international community as well. Kalon said it is a practice that is widely respected and known throughout the world and attributed the success of this practice to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for his initiatives and guidance and the successive governments of India for assisting in the preservation and promotion of this practice. Drawing from the current challenges in the promotion of Sowa-Rigpa, the Kalon requested the Ministry of AYUSH to appoint an advisor for the Sowa-Rigpa in the Ministry office and to increase the council members of Sowa-Rigpa in the Central Council of Indian Medicines. (Full Speech)

Guest of Honor, Mr. Pema Jungney la, in his address said that the CCTM came into existence in the year 2004 after the first draft of Legal code was prepared by him in 2003 and the actual Act. was passed during the tenure of his role as a Speaker of 13th Tibetan Parliament in Exile. Keeping in view of CCTM aims and objectives, he stressed the council to gain legal recognition of Sowa-Rigpa, Tibetan Medicine in other countries and to conduct more scientific studies and research on Sowa-Rigpa. Speaker also said that it is important to create more admission capacity to build the human resource in the field of Sowa-Rigpa in future. (Full Speech in Tibetan)

Later, Shri Pramod Kumar Pathak, Chief Guest of the event has begun his address by congratulating Dr. Tsewang Tamdin for getting the prestigious Yuthog Award and appreciate Dr. Tamdin for his immense contribution towards promoting Sowa-Rigpa. He also congratulated the organizer and practitioners of Sowa-Rigpa for being able to celebrate this day a Sowa-Rigpa Day in India as the Ministry of AYUSH do celebrate the Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Naturopathy and the Yoga Day every year. He further said the Ministry of AYUSH will extend all possible help in the promotion and preservation of Sowa-Rigpa and thanked the efforts made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the traditional practitioners for successfully preserving and promoting the practice in India. (Full Speech)

Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe, Vice Chairman of CCTM gave a vote of thanks to all the guests, speakers, participants, sponsors and all others who involved in this program.

Overall a total number of 80 including Sowa-Rigpa Practitioners, Students, Researchers and FTM members from India and abroad has joined this auspicious program.

To celebrate this great event, CCTM has set up a Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala which was created by Gyudme Tantric Monastic monks and sponsored by Dr. Tenzin Jinpa and two days free medical camp (requested and volunteered by Dr. Nyima Tsering Lhunkhang and Dr. Lobsang Tenzin Rakdho and the 15 days free medicine by Dr. Penpa Tsering) at Tibet House and an exhibitions (exhibitor – CIHTS, Sorig Bumshi Medical College and Padma 28) of Tibetan Medicine Manuscripts, Thankas, ancient medical instruments and herbal products were displayed.

Technical Sessions:

The first technical session of the event was “Overall Promotion and Preservation of Sowa-Rigpa” chaired and talked by Ven. Acharya Phuntsok and Prof. Sanjeev Rastogi, an advisor to CCTM.

The Second Session was “Recognition of Asian Herbal Formulas in Switzerland” by Mr. Herbert Schwabl, Director of PADMA Company, Switzerland and session chaired by Dr. Namgyal Qusar.

The Third session was Panel Discussion on the practice of Sowa-Rigpa led by four experts – Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, Dr. Dorjee Rabten, Dr. Tenzin Deche and Dr. Namgyal Qusar.

The second day, first session was “Efficacy and Safety of Sowa-Rigpa Medicine” by Dr. Namgyal Qusar and the session chaired by Mr. Herbert Schwabl.

Second session was “Legal enforcement on Sowa-Rigpa in India” by Dr. Shamshad Bano, Secretary, Central Council of Indian Medicine and the session chaired by Dr. Padma Gurmet and Dr. K. Natrajan.

The Third session was on Panel Discussion: Theory and Practice of Sowa-Rigpa” led by four expert speakers – Dr. Lobsang Tenzin Rakdho, Dr. Tenzin Deche, Dr. Namgyal Qusar and Dr. Dorjee Damdul.

The fourth session was Open discussion: “Preservation and Promotion of Sowa-Rigpa, Comments and Suggestions on CCTM and its activities” chaired by CCTM Chairman Prof. Lobsang Tenzin Rakdho, Vice Chairman Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe and Gen. Secretary Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe.

The valedictory session was held with the briefing of CCTM 6th General Body meeting byCa. Gen. Secretary Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe has briefly read the CCTM 5th Term report followed by a distribution of Souvenir and Appreciation certificates to all the participants, executive members, advisors, coordinators and the sponsors. Menjor Khang renewal certificate has been presented the Men-Tsee-Khang Menjor Khang.

The election committee member has declared the 6th Term executive members and the newly members were greeted by the chief guest Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok.

Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, Deputy Speaker, TPiE and the advisor, CCTM has given an address to the valedictory session.

The two days event successfully concluded with the prayers of Men-Tsee Tengye sMonlam by all the practitioners, guests and the general participants.

With the celebration of this auspicious day of Sowa-Rigpa in exile, CCTM on behalf of all the registered practitioners, offered a Medicine Buddha Statue, a Mandala offering of INR 155555.00 (One Lac Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Five) and number of Medicine Buddha Manta 621743 (Six Lac Twenty One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Three) being offered and accumulated by the registered members to His Holiness the 14th Great Dalai Lama for his kind vision of preserving and promoting Sowa-Rigpa, Tibetan Medicine in exile. (List of Donors & Mantras)

His Holiness has kindly grant an audience to the members of CCTM on the 16th of September 2019 and and advised all the Sowa-Rigpa Practitioners to promote this system of medicine of medicine as this has not just helped many people but is instrumental in popularizing Tibet to the World. He stressed to do more scientific studies and research on Sowa-Rigpa and to share and upgrade the knowledge of other traditional medicines like Ayurveda.

Taking this opportunity, CCTM thank all the friends, supporters, sponsors, members advisors, guests, participants and the collaborative teams members who have involved in this program making successful.

Thank you! Thank you all!