Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Inspection to Sowa-Rigpa College, PUBS

As of rules and regulation of recognizing Sowa-Rigpa Medical College of CCTM, an inspection team consist of member from CCTM (Vice Chairman sMenrampa (Dr.) Choelothar – team leader, Executive member sMenpa (Dr.) Thokmay), Dr. Yonten Tsomo; Medical Officer, TPHC Bir and Mr. Tsering Phuntsok Representative officer, Bir Dege has visited the Palpung Rigney Tholop Dhonyi Norbu Ghatsal of Palpung University of Buddhist Science on 7th May 2022.

The Vice Chairman of CCTM has briefed the objectives of inspection and introduced the inspection team members to the college. College Principal sMenrampa Aepa Sonam Rinchen has introduce the background of Sorig College with detail curriculum and activities.

Later the inspection team members has visited the following sites:

College OPD and Therapy center, Herbal Garden, Libraries, Museum, College Administration office, Class rooms, student and teacher’s reading room, College pharmacy, Yuthog Prayer hall and other facilities like playground and hostels.

As of rules, the committee members have submitted their reports, recommendation and other supporting documents to the CCTM.