Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Inspection to Sorig sMenjorkhang

An Inspection team consists of member from CCTM Dr. Thokmey la, member from Dept. of Health Mrs. Lhakpa Dolma la (Joint Secretary) and Dharamsala Tibetan Settlement Office Mr. Kunga la has inpected the Kundhe Khangsar Tibetan Herbal Product Ltd. located at Sidhpur, Dharamsala on 2nd of December 2021.

CCTM chairperson Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe briefed the rules and regulation of registration of Sowa-Rigpa Pharmaceutics to the members.

Kundhe Khangsar Tibetan Herbal Product Ltd was registered as a standard Sowa-Rigpa sMenjorkhang in the year 2012 and the license has been renewed till July 2021. As of regulation, team will inspect the KKTP site and will submit the report within 30 days of inspection.