Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

World Health Day

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO).The theme of this year’s World health day is “Universal Health Coverage: Everyone-Everywhere – 2018”.

Series of Health talk was given by the CCTM Members and Regional Coordinators to the Tibetan Schools, Monasteries and Nunnery. CCTM would like to thank the following regional doctors for their time given for the health talks.

  1. Dr. Tsering Palmo – CIBS, Ladakh Nuns Association, Leh, Ladakh (J&K)
  2. Dr. Rabga – Sedgyud Monastery, Salugara (W.B.)
  3. Dr. Kyizom – Girls student, CST Mundgod (K.S.)
  4. Dr. Nyima Gyaltsen – CST Mundgod (K.S.)
  5. Dr. Kyilu – CST Chauntra, (H.P.)
  6. Dr. Tara Ngawang Lodoe – CST Bylakuppe (K.S.)
  7. Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe- Lower TCV School (H.P.)