Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Permanent Registration to YNSM

Under the clause 9.b of the Tibetan Medical Council act. 2003 of Central Tibetan Administration, the Central Council of Tibetan Medicine has prepared a rules and regulation for the registration of Tibetan Pharmaceutical Company / Unit. In exercise of this regulations, CCTM has appointed an inspection committee consists of member from the Dept. of Health, Tibetan Settlement Officer and an executive member of CCTM and an expert of  Sorig Menjor. The committee visits the pharmaceutical site and submitted their report to the council. With the base of report put up by the inspection committee, executive member of CCTM has finally granted a permanent registration certificate to the Yuthog Nyingthig Sorig Menjor Khang from the date of 18th Dec. 2017. As of rules, Renewal certificate had been issued and is valid from 18th December 2017 till 17th December 2020.