Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Resheduled: 5th General Body Meeting

To all the Registered Practitioners,

As per the TMCC Act. and Regulation, the 5th General Body Meeting of CCTM is convened as per schedule below. CCTM request all the registered practitioner to kindly make it convenient to attend the general body meeting.


Date: 25th  August 2016

Time: 9.30 am

Venue: Nyatri Hall, Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala


  • Welcome Address and Presentation of Term Report by Chairman
  • Distribution of Permanent registration certificate to Dr. Yeshi Dhondhen Menjorkhang
  • Distribution of Registration Certificate to Menri Ling Sorig Bumshi Medical College
  • Appreciation certificate to CCTM coordinators
  • Announcement of CCTM 5th Term Executive Members
  • Greetings to the newly elected 5th Term Executive Members
  • Appreciation certificate to the outgoing 4th Term Executive Members
  • Address by Special Guest, Director TMAI
  • Address by Specail Guest, Representative member of TPiE
  • Address by Chief Guest, Hon. Kalon, Dept. of Health, CTA
  • Thank you note by Vice Chairman
  • Group Photo
  • Official Lunch