Central Council of Tibetan Medicine


Membership is a part of an organization and as a member of CCTM, you are part of our council that is dedicated to transforming your passion for this medical system into meaningful action on behalf of physicians, medical students, patients and interested persons.

A physician who has registered under the CCTM becomes a member of CCTM as registered members. They are certified to practice Tibetan medicine according the guideline prepared by CCTM. Registered member has right to stand, speak and vote for the CCTM Governing members. Member who paid and renews their membership will receive a stamped Identity Card signed by the President, Central Council of Tibetan Medicine. Members can join the national and international Conference, workshop and other important spiritual programme like Medicine Buddha initiations, medical empowerment and medical oral transmission programme organised by the CCTM. Members will also receive free Biannual SORIG Newsletter which covers all the updated news of medical educations and related policies. One can also grow their professional network by connecting with other members locally and across the country through CCTM.

Membership Fees:

The Central Council of Tibetan Medicine came into being after the ‘Exile Tibetan Medical Council Act’ was passed by the 13th Assembly of the Tibetan People’s Deputies, Government of Tibet in Exile, during its 5th session. With the final approval by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, it became the only recognized body of the Tibetan Government in exile to lead and to manage the standard of Tibetan medicine practitioners, Tibetan medical colleges/institutions and Tibetan medical pharmaceutical companies/units. Currently, it is a part of the democratic administration of Tibetan government in exile and shoulders responsibilities of preservation, promotion and overall development of the Tibetan medicine in exile. In order to accomplish important objectives, CCTM has undertaken various programs and projects both at national and international levels and is keen to continue with such activities.

However, financial constraint is the major barrier and currently CCTM has no stable and long lasting source of income or fund to manage its projects. One of the sources that CCTM is strongly relied upon is the membership fee from the registered practitioners. Many faithful members who are consistently supportive and held CCTM in high esteem have, wholeheartedly, contributed their membership fee with gratification. CCTM would like to thank each one of them for their sincerity and understanding. In appreciation of our work and, in response to many appeals made in the past, the list of doctors willing to pay their membership fee had fairly risen. This is a great encouragement to all of us and we look forward to fulfill their expectations. Notwithstanding, there are few registered doctors who have not yet paid their membership fee to CCTM and through this medium, we would like to make them understand that the small contribution from them will make a big difference towards the overall development of Tibetan medicine. We are confident that they will understand and join us wholeheartedly.

Any difficulty concerning the payment of membership fee should be informed to CCTM office through an application mentioning clearly the reason of inability. CCTM will assess the gravity of the problem and will then determine the extent of concession to be given. Members of the CCTM who do not pay membership fee to CCTM are not entitled to avail the facilities and others benefits associated with CCTM.

We appreciate unreserved support from all registered members and we are confident that you will continue to support us in our collective aims of making Tibetan medicine flourish equally like other traditional medical system of the world.

Membership Fee for Physician living in India/Nepal/Bhutan:

Fee for one year: Rs. 600.00

For two years: Rs. 1200.00

For Three years at a time: Rs. 1530.00 (15%discount)


Physician living in Abroad:

Fee for one year:US $ 30 or Rs. 1950.00

For two years:US$ 60 or Rs. 3900.00

For three years at a time: US$ 76 or Rs. 4950.00 (15% discount)

If you send money by bank, kindly send to the below given address:

Account Name: Central Council of Tibetan Medicine
Account No. 20590110016886
IFSC Code: UCBA0002059
MICR Code: 176028096
Address: UCO Bank, CTA, Dharamsala
Kangra Distt. Himachal Pradesh

*** Kindly note here that with effect from Date 1st April 2017, Membership fee for the TM practitioner living outside India, Nepal and Bhutan has been deducted from US$ 80 to US $ 30 for one year and US $ 60 for two years and US $ 76 for three years.  Like earlier, 15% discount has be given for the members who pay their fees for three years at a time.