Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Inspection to Sowa-Rigpa Dept. CIHTS

An inspection team consists of member – Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe, Chairperson; CCTM along with  a member Dr. Tenzin Deche Kartsang has officially paid visit to Dept. of Sowa-Rigpa, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies for general inspection. Member has visited the Department Library, Pathology laboratory, Classrooms, OPD, IPD, Dispensary unit, Therapy and R&D wing, Pharmacy unit, Herbal Garden and new Sowa-Rigpa Bhawan which is under construction. Member has met Hon. Vice Chancellor (in charge) Prof. Wangchuk Dorjee Negi, undergraduate student, and had an opportunity to have high tea and interaction with Sowa-Rigpa Ph.D scholars. Detail report with attached document will discuss in next CCTM meeting.