Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

CCTM Gen Secretary attended the IXth ICTAM

Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe, Gen. Secretary of CCTM officially attend the IXth International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicine, held at University of Kiel, Germany from 6th – 12th August 2017. More that 350 congress participants (39 panels, 13 workshop, 2 plenary sessions, 1 Round Table, 11 keynotes, a film festival and the Basham Medical Lectures) attended the congress with people from 30 countries represented.


Panel:  Sowa Rigpa Industry

Chair: Stephan Kloos

Speakers & Topics:

            Stephan Kloos / Harilal Madhavan

– Gauging the Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry: Patterns, Dynamics, and Modes of Production

            Herbert Schwabl

– Globalised Sowa-Rigpa or localized Tibetan Medicine? Practical doings vs. Structural settings and legal requirements.

            Calum Blaikie / Sienna Craig

– Tibetan Medicine Making in Nepal: A Yam between Two Boulders?

            Tsering Tsamchoe

-Special Characteristics of Traditional Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) Pharmaceuticals.

CLICK HERE FOR THE ABSTRACT AND FULL PRESENTATION on Special characteristics of Traditional Sowa Rigpa Pharmaceuticals.