Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

CCTM 5th Term Executive Members

Today, 25th of August 2016, Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM) organized a handing-over ceremony between the outgoing fourth-term executive council members and the newly elected fifth-term executive members at Nyatri Hall, Gangchen Kyishong.


The ceremony was attended by Chief Guest Mr. Choekyong Wangchuk, Hon. Health Kalon, Special Guest Ven. Atruk Tseten, Member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Mr. Tashi Tsering Phuri, Director of the Men-Tsee-Khang (TMAI); Dr. Tsewang Tamdin; Personal visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Secretary; Dept. of Education, Gen. Secretary of LTWA, former and newly elected CCTM executive members, CCTM Election committee members, regional coordinators  and registered doctors from different parts of India has attended the ceremony.


CCTM Chairman Dr. Ngawang Soepa, briefly introduced the ceremony and read the report of  4th Term Executive Members. (CLICK HERE FOR BRIEF REPORT)

yuthog-awardAfter that, Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe; Gen. Secretary of CCTM briefly read the background of Yuthog Award, the aims and objectives and CCTM resolution on giving this third time prestigious Yuthog Award to Ven. Troru Khenchen Tsenam Rinpoche. Chief guest Mr. Choekyong Wangchuk has presented the award to Mr. Sonam Wangdu (President, Local Chamdo Association) on behalf of Ven. Troru Tsenam Rinpoche.



registration-certificateThereafter, Member of TPiE Ven. Atruk Tseten has presented the Permanent Registration Certificate to Dr. Yeshi Dhondhen Menjorkhang.






500After that , Special guest presented the Registration Certificate to Medical College of the Sorig Bumzhi Menri Ling. Mr. Tenzin Namgyla; Secretary of college has represented and received the certificate.




Memento for the speakers on Disease prevention has been presented by Mr. Tashi Tsering Phuri and CCTM regional coordinators has been received an appreciation certificate by  Dr. Tsewang Tamdin la.Election committee for the 5th Term CCTM executive members has declared the elected members and Health Kalon greeted all the newly elected members and certificate for the outgoing member has been presented by Hon. Kalon.


The Newly elected Members are:

Dr. Penpa Tsering

Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe

Dr. Tsering Palmo

Dr. Rigzin Wangtak

Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe

Dr. Passang Topchen


The representative members are:

Dr. Tenpa Choepel; Principal; Tibetan Medical & Astro. College, Dharamsala

Dr. Jampa Khedup; Principal; Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute

Dr. Lobsang Tenzin; Dean, Faculty of Sowa-Ripga and Astro. Science, CUTS, Varanasi

One Allopathic Doctor from Dept. of Health, CTA

200After the election announcement, special guest Mr. Tashi Tsering gave a brief talk and thereafter Special guest Ven Atruk Tseten attributed the revival of Sowa-Rigpa in exile to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for successfully restoring the tradition in the early years of exile by emphasizing the sustenance of Tibetan Medicine and its unique approach towards healing and disease treatment.


In conclusion, the chief guest of the ceremony, Hon. Health Kalon Mr. Choekyong Wangchuk, in his talk, congratulated the former and the new executive members of the CCTM and called for renewed cooperation and collaboration between the DoH and the council to jointly build a more effective health system.

“On behalf of the Central Tibetan Administration, I would like to congratulate all the executive members of the CCTM. The Tibetan Administration highly regards the council’s importance and its role in safeguarding and promoting the rich tradition of the Tibetan Medical System, Sowa Rigpa,” Kalon said.

“The inclusion of Sowa-Rigpa into the definition of the Indian System of Medicine in 2010, which required amending the Indian Medicine Central Council Act of 1970, has been a remarkable achievement for Tibetan Medicine. It has hugely amplified the awareness of Tibetan Medicine and improved the acceptance of the Tibetan practice of healing.”

Dr. Thokmay la; the Vice Chairman of CCTM thank all the participant and on behalf of council members, he immensely thank the Kashag, TPiE members, Dept. of Health and all related Institutions for their support and cooperation.



After the ceremony, the election committee held the election of council’s Chairman, vice-chairman and the general secretary. Dr. Lobsang Tenzin Rakdho has been elected for the Chairman and Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe for the Vice Chairman Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe being reelected for the Gen. Secretary.

300Thereafter the fourth term executive member has handed over the office files, books, stuffs and all other belongings including the bank books and related documents and papers to the newly elected 5th Term Executive Members. Thus the handling over ceremony of term members being successfully concluded with the simple official dinner.