Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

CCTM-26th Board Meeting

As of CCTM (General) Rules, the 26th Board Meeting was held dated 10th – 14th October 2016 at Hotel Tibet, Dharamsala. This is the first meeting of the 5th Term Executive Members after the recent election.

All the 11 members has attended the meeting and following were the some of the important resolution passed during the meeting.

  1. The 3rd International Conference on Tibetan Medicine will held in India (Delhi/Varanasi) from 12th – 14th November 2017.
  2. CCTM will seek 2 reserve seat for Tibetan Student to study Ayurveda from the recognized Indian medical College/Institute.
  3. The 5th Continuing Medical Education (CME) will held at Dharamsala from 13th – 18th March 2017.
  4. Team of inspection will visit TMAC College,Dept of Sowa-Rigpa CUTS and three pharmaceutical units from November 2016 – March 2017.
  5. Resolved to strengthen the co-operation with the State and Central Govt. of India for the preservation and promotion of Sowa-Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine).
  6. Sowa-Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) OPD will open in the District Ayurved Hospital, Dharamsala from Nov. 2016.
  7. To call a special meeting to establish the guidelines of Sowa-Rigpa Professional Grade.



