Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

CCTM 36th Board Meeting

Central Council of Tibetan Medicine held its 36th Board Meeting at CCTM Office from 11th till 13th May 2022. During the meeting, the member has discussed on strengthening CCTM, agenda of CCTM special meeting to be held in July 2022, Formation of Yuthog Award selection committee members, 4th Sowa-Rigpa Day and 4th ICTM, Election of CCTM 7th Executive members, Report on Inspection team visit to PUBS and CIHTS and other important issues related to the Sowa-Rigpa and CCTM activities.

Health Secretary Mr. Palden Dhondup la and Mr. Thupten Tsering la, Director of Men-Tsee-Khang was invited to the closing session. CCTM Chairperson briefed the agenda and resolution of this meeting and also discussed some other agendas related to the resolutions of this meeting.

CCTM Chairperson, Vice Chairman and representative from Sowa-Rigpa Colleges, Sorig Bum-bZhi sMenpa and Non Tibetan members have attended the meeting.