Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

Inspection to Menriling Sorig Bumzhi Medical College

As of CCTM Act. & Regulation, CCTM has received an application from the College of Sorig Bumzhi Menriling on 20th of March 2021. CCTM formed an Inspection team consist of Member from CCTM Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe, Dr. Ngawang Jinpa Sunang and Mr. Tenzin Chomphel, Tibetan Settlement Officer, Dholanji Tibetan Settlement and Mr. Namgyal Yarphel, Principal of Sambhota Tibetan School, Dholanji. The team visit the college campus and inspect the college dated 23rd August 2021.

The committee submitted their report to CCTM. Council during the 35th Board Meeting, members have discussed and finally resolved to issue a permanent registration to the Menriling Sorig Bumzhi Medical College w.e.f. 28th August 2021.

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