Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

General Inspection to CTMI

As of TMCC Act and Regulation, an inspection team consist of member from CCTM, Dr. Tsering Tsamchoe along with a member Mr. Migmar Dorjee; Chief representative officer, Darjeeling Tibetan Settlement and Dr. Lobsang Dhondup Bhutia; Director of Youthok Clinic, Kalimpong has visited the Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute on 30th of July 2018.

Chagpori Medical College was initially established at Lhasa in Tibet, 1696 by Desi Sangye Gyatso, one of the foremost scholars of Tibetan Medicine & Astrology, in line with a divine wish of His Holiness The Great Fifth Dalai Lama. Dr.Trogawa Rinpoche (late), a direct descendant of Chagpori medical lineage has reestablished the Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute in March of 1992 at Darjeeling, West Bengal to promote its ancient medical tradition. It is a non-profit charitable organization registered under the West Bengal Societies Act XXVI of the 1961.

Currently, the 7th and 8th batch with total 22 student were studying at CTMI. The detail report of inspection team will present in the upcoming CCTM meeting.