Central Council of Tibetan Medicine

CCTM 25th Board Meeting

As of TMCC Act. and Regulation, the executive member hold its 25th Board Meeting at Hotel Tibet, Dharamsala from 28th to 30th March 2016. During the meeting, the member has discussed and passed some important resolutions like initiating 3rd International Conference on Tibetan Medicine, Yuthog Award 2016, Temporary registration to the medical college of Sorig Bum-bZhi Menri Ling, Permanent Registration with three years renewal certificate to Dr. Yeshi Dhondhen Menjorkhang. Clause 11.B, 11.C, 11.E of CCTM (Election) Regulation  has been amended on this meeting. The member has also discussed on the prevention of disease in Tibetan Communities and resolved to appeal all the registered practitioner to take more responsibility to talk and guide on Diet and Life style to the patient and public. CCTM will appeal the Dept. of Health, CTA to organize three days annual Medical conference for the Tibetan origin Medical Professions to share their experience and expertise and to work for the better public health. The member has also resolved to initiate a programe with Tibet Online TV on the prevention of Disease in Tibetan Communities. The three days Board Meeting successfully concluded with the especial guest Ven. Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok; Advisory member of CCTM for the closing.

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